This section illustrates the use of data farming and analysis with GIS
(combined with illustrator and photoshop) to better understand the
spatial implications of environmental issues on multiple scales. The first map shows issues of water quality and quantity in the Piedmont
Atlantic Megaregion (PAM), illustrating point-source pollutants,
damaged waterways, impervious surfaces, aquifers, and seasonal drought
The second map focuses on Cleveland, Tennessee (located near Chattanooga, TN in the PAM) and water issues specific to the site of the Whirlpool brownfield project, including flooding and impervious surfaces as well as potential remediation tactics.
A Map for the switchyard park project, showing the potential connections of the rail lines in the Piedmont Atlantic Megaregion, identifying places within each city that could play a role in strengthening a regional identity.
A Map for the switchyard park project, showing the potential connections of the rail lines in the Piedmont Atlantic Megaregion, identifying places within each city that could play a role in strengthening a regional identity.